Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Something to Think About...

I'm trying right now to think of people who's names grace our history books; people that will be remembered for generations to come. What mark will I leave on this earth when I'm long gone? How will this generation as a whole be remembered?

I was reading 2 Timothy 1 today and it was verse 5 that sparked these thoughts, and my active imagination fanned the sparks into flame. Verse 5 (NIV) says:

I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.

Timothy's grandmother and mother left a tremendous legacy behind for him to follow. They made the way a little clearer for Timothy by the way that they lived. Their faith is described by Paul as "sincere faith." Paul also pointed out that this same faith "lived" in these amazing women. Their faith wasn't dead. They must've been working it out, because we all know that faith without works is dead (James 2:20).

What legacy will I leave behind for those who will come after me? What will be said of me when I'm gone? I think that these are questions that we must all ask ourselves. I'm praying that God will develop within me a steadfast and diligent character, so that in the end, I will be found standing tall on His word, with a song of praise in my mouth and my arms lifted high in worship to a God that saw me when I was nothing and told me that I'm special.


  1. Food for thought!
    I would be thinking about what I am doing about the influence I have on others
    Thanks for this post!

    You have a very deep and interesting blog.

  2. Hey there...I'm thinking about the same thing...:) how can I leave an impact???
