Just in case you stumble upon this blog and you've been searching for truth. Just in case you're looking for somewhere to belong. Just in case you've been looking for infallible love. Just in case you're looking for someone that you can trust. I would like to say that all of these things and more are found in relationship with Jesus Christ. He loves you and He wants desperately to commune with you and speak to you and make you glad. If you've never accepted Jesus as your Lord and asked Him to take His place on the throne of your heart, I'd like to invite you to pray this simple prayer:
Jesus, I know that I need You in my life. I believe that You are Lord and that You came to earth as a man to die for my sins. I believe that after three days in the grave You rose again. Thank You for dying to set me free from sin. Right now, I accept You into my heart and into my life. I give You my heart freely. You are my Lord, and I accept Your free gift of salvation.
Congratulations! You just made the best decision of your life. Jesus didn't promise that walking with Him would be easy, but He promises to never leave you or forsake you. He promises that His burden is light. He promises to give you a life more abundant that you could ever dream of!!
Be sure to tell someone about your new decision! Spread this amazing and exciting news with someone you love!
love it blog lady.