Thursday, July 8, 2010

To the Hills...

I think that these bodies that we live in weren't built to withstand wear and tear. There's no doubt that life's elements can wear on this mortal flesh. I think the solace I find in hard times comes from the knowledge that I have a Strong Tower that I can run into and find safety. We weren't created to go through life without shelter and without a safe haven.

I don't think that the cares of this world can stand a chance against the greatness of our mighty God. The problem arises when we forget to run to Him. I think that this post is here to serve as a reminder that we aren't meant to go this road alone. There is an awesome Savior who loves us deeply and passionately, and He wants to walk this path with us. When times get rough, He wants to be a friend and a shield and a hope. I think that the psalmist understood this. Psalm 121 (NIV) says this:

1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?

2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;

4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.

7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;

8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

This passage is exceedingly comforting. As Christians, our hope comes from the knowledge that our help doesn't come from the fallible hand of a man. Our help comes from a God who never sleeps on the job. He's always watching over us. Always protecting, always loving, always guiding, always keeping. And here in lies our peace: our God who created this earth will not allow us to be lost within it. He sees, He cares and He knows.

What is it that you are afraid of? What is it that looks bigger than your strength? What is that thing that seems insurmountable? Look up. Look toward the hills and take a good look at the mighty God who is fighting on your team. He is greater. He is bigger. He is stronger. He is mightier than any fear or doubt or insecurity or trouble. He is greater.


  1. "The problem arises when we forget to run to Him."

    That's exactly the problem. Thanks for this beautiful reminder. I pray that I'll always lift up my eyes to the source.

  2. @ Jayee....I pray the same for me...and for all of's so important...when we look at Him, and see how amazing and strong and great He is...everything else just kinda fades away...including fear and doubt...

  3. YES HE IS!! Greater than all our circumstance. He is everything we need.

    Thanks for reminding me - in my difficult circumstance that He is with me...I know it - I count on it - but I forget it in the moment - sometimes. He is FAITHFUL to never leave us or forsake us!

    Patrina <")>><

  4. "Our help comes from a God who never sleeps on the job"

    That phrase makes me OH SO HAPPY! I mean...the CIA and Secret Service have nothing on our God! Ahhhh....tis so sweet to trust in Jesus :-) Thanks for this reminder!

  5. My favorite part is "look up!" you are so right, when the devil and the pressures and cares of the world tend to bring us down we can and should look up! both figuratively and literally! Thanks Bona:) I love your blog, it just shows how much of your heart is for God. Thanks for the encouragement, we all need it:)

  6. @Patrina...You're so right!

    @Abisola...He's bigger and better!!!

    @Sis you!! thanks for stopping by...:-)
