Saturday, November 28, 2009

Higher Learning...

I've come to the conclusion that we've been getting it wrong. While we, the Church, focus on gossiping and being the best-dressed there are people suffering in the worst way. When will our hearts and our minds be focused on the important things? I asked myself this question and many others when I read Isaiah 1:17 today. It says:

"Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow."

These charges are given to us as people who love God. The thing is that when you love God, the natural conclusion is to love people. I like this verse because it's very wording implies that doing good doesn't come naturally to us. God tells us to learn to do good. He says here that it will take an effort on our part. I think that our very nature causes us to be self-absorbed. This is the plight of human nature. But in this verse, God is charging you and I to learn a new condition. We are to learn a condition that causes us to seek justice for the fatherless and the widows. We are to learn a condition that demands that we push the enemy called "oppresion" back when it comes to our city gates.

What have you been studying lately? What have you been learning? I think that the time has come for us to do. Enough of being stingy with the love of Jesus. We don't live in times of passive Christianity anymore. We live in an era that requires diligent and determined people who have enough passion to set a new status quo. We can't go with this useless and monotonous flow anymore.

What have you been studying lately?

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Draw Me Close...

I'll be honest with you in saying that the love of God doesn't make any sense to me. Why does He love us this much? We have absolutely nothing to offer Him that He didn't give us in the first place. In comparison with the way man loves, God's love is mind boggling. With man, you have to earn love. You have to work for it and even when you work as hard as you can, there's no guarantee that it will be yours. But God's King's's different. His love was freely given to all at the cross of Christ. What an amazing and beautiful endeavor. I don't understand the love of Christ just yet, but I will accept it fully.

I began with that so that I could continue with this: God is drawing us with His eternal love. It's actually a wonderful thing to behold. It's the budding of the beautiful and bold fruit of revival. People everywhere are being transformed by the relentless love of Christ.

I was thinking about James 4:8 today. This wonderful promise says that if we will take the chance in drawing near to God -if we hunger after Him and seek His face- that He will draw near to us. There is a fresh hunger burning in the bellies of the people of God. We are no longer satisfied with surface religion and a parody of the church of God. We're ready for change. We're ready for more.

The great mystery of this truth lies in knowing that it is God Himself who births this righteous hunger within us. That's what Philippians 2:13 says. This verse teaches us that God is the one who works in us so that we want to do His good pleasure...and then He works in us so that we follow this want with actions. God is placing within us a hunger that will cause us to draw closer and closer to Him. And He promises that as we draw closer to Him, He will draw closer to us.

Now is the time for us to lay down those things that make us heavy and to run toward our Prize with everything we have. Now is the time. My prayer is that we will open our hearts to the love of Christ that is like no other love. I pray that as we receive His love, we will begin to run hard and fast toward Him. And as people start to run with passion and grace, I pray that the whole earth will be shaken with the sheer force of desperation in our foot steps. Now is the time.

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Weight of His Glory...

I am pondering today on dying to self. I know that as Christians, this is a major lesson that we need to learn.

I think that the major heart-cry of kingdom minded Christians is to see God's kingdom come here on earth. We want to see His glory. Today as I was thinking about the glory of the Lord being revealed through me and in my generation, the Holy Spirit dropped a question in my heart that sounded a little something like this: Are you ready and willing to carry the weight of His glory?

I'm learning that there is a weight -a responsibility- that comes with representing Jesus. Revival comes with a price. It is a price that we, as Christians, must pay. We have to be willing to take up our cross. We have to lay down our own lives for the sake of the gospel. That is what dying to self is. It is realizing that it no longer matters how you feel. The things that your flesh desires are of no consequence. All things in life begin to point toward seeing God's glory revealed. The things of this world start to fade away and you can see the big picture more clearly.

I want to die to myself. I want to die to my selfish desires. I want to die to this world so that God's glory can be revealed in me. I know that it will cost me and I'm glad that God is taking His time to groom me. I'm glad that this time is being used to nurture the relationship that I have with Him. My prayer is this: that we will fall madly in love with Jesus. That we will run hard after His heart and that in doing so, we will receive the strength we need to carry the weight -the responsibility- of His glory. Now is the time for the sons and daughters to be revealed.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Never Forsaken...

I've learned that, with people, there's always the chance of desertion. It's not promised that any man or woman will always be by your side. In learning this, I've learned another very potent truth, and it is this: that Jesus, in all of His amazing faithfulness, will not under any circumstances desert the people He loves.

I was reading Psalm 16 and verses 9 & 10, with their life-giving power, fanned the flames of these thoughts. They say:

9Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
10 because you will not abandon me to the grave,

nor will you let your Holy One see decay.

The psalmist says that they find rest in knowing that their soul will never be abandoned. Even if they find themselves in the grave. I know that life can provide situations that cause the strongest of men to feel like they have somehow fallen into a pit. But hope can be found in this: that Jesus will never leave you by yourself.

If you've found yourself in a rough place, in a place that seems like a abysmal chasm, please find encouragement and hope in the truth that God is there with you. Stand firm on His promises and know that this season will bring out the best in You.

Be encouraged...


I just came to bless Your name

Your name is Light, Your Name is Hope, Your Name is Love

I've come with a heart full of praise

If it weren't for You where would I be?

You are my God

And my heart will rejoice in Your amazing love

When my soul was heavy You came in to rescue me

My Shield, the Strength of my days


When I think of Your marvelous works
My heart sings of the beauty of Your name
All creation is made for Your glory
You're matchless, so kind, forever the same

With every single breath we breathe
Let our whole lives sing Your praise

Thursday, November 12, 2009

UpComing Events!!!!

Here are some events that you don't want to miss!!!

JesusRock Tour ft Mali Music, Leah Smith and Brandon Camphor and OneWay:

Dates: November 13, 2009
Address: UMBC Fine Arts Building Recital Hall
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250
Cost: FREE for UMBC Students, $10 at the door

This is definitely going to be a night to remember! Leaders from a new generation of worship making their mark in the kingdom! BE THERE!

C.L.A.Y. Youth Weekend: NO LIMITS

Day 1: Deitrick Haddon Concert ft. Brandon Camphor and OneWay
Date: November 20, 2009, 7:30 pm
Address: High Point High school
3601 Powder Mill Rd
Beltsville, MD 20705
Cost: $10 (comment on this post for more ticketing info)

Day 2: Community Outreach
Date: November 21, 2009
Address: TBA

Day 3:
Date: November 22, 2009, 9:00 am
Address: Temple of Praise Int'l Church
11301 Rhode Island Ave.
Beltsville, MD 20705
Cost: FREE

The Youth leaders at Temple of Praise Int'l Church have been working tirelessly to bring a weekend of fun and community outreach. This year's theme is NO LIMITS! Make sure you come to each event and bring a friend or two!